Michelle + Michael {her husband} + Lucca {their late great dane}= mimi & lu
While owner and designer, Michelle Watson, was working a summer position in the wardrobe department of Cirque du Soleil, several performers noticed her self-made jewelry and quickly inquired about purchasing their own. This was the initial spark that ignited Mimi & Lu.
Always fascinated with putting color and texture into creative use, Michelle earned a degree in Art Studio from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her creativity led her to working backstage with props and costumes at comedy theater in Boston. It was in Boston that Michelle began to explore beading and jewelry making. After her summer position with Cirque Du Soleil, Michelle returned to California and created Mimi & Lu in 2007 as an outlet for her love of art and jewelry creation.
Mimi & Lu is for the effortlessly authentic. Michelle's creations reflect her education in fine art highlighting her ability to play with balance, scale and color. Mimi & Lu is known for it's stack-able, layering pieces that make an impact whether piled on together or worn alone.
Mimi & Lu was named after Michelle, her husband Michael and their great late dane Lucca. In 2013, Michelle and Michael had an addition to their family when their son, Parker, was born. Mimi & Lu's design studio was based in downtown San Diego for 14 years and move to downtown Boston in 2021. Most jewelry is produced, by hand, for stores across the country and internationally.